Supporting quality professionals in Washington and Oregon
Who we are OrAHQ is a non-profit association focused on advancing expertise in the field of Healthcare Quality. The purpose of OrAHQ is to promote excellence and professionalism in healthcare quality by:
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Member benefits Conference Registration Discounts: Members enjoy registration savings on all OrAHQ educational events. Career Opportunities: Current Northwest healthcare quality employment opportunities are posted on the Members Only page Discounts from other Healthcare Quality Organizations: CPHQ Tutor has partnered with OrAHQ to provide our Members with a 35% discount on CPHQ Certification Exam study material Networking with Others in the Field: Access to the Members Only page, which includes the Member Directory. Find contact information at your finger tips for other Healthcare Quality experts in your area. OrAHQ Board Volunteer Opportunities: Members have the opportunity to volunteer and assist OrAHQ Board Members with member recruiting and retention, education event planning, and OrAHQ communication and advertising; it's a nice addition to your resume. Complimentary Member Renewal Opportunities: A current Member who recruits 2 or more new OrAHQ Members during a calendar years and/or Members who obtain their initial CPHQ certification will receive a complimentary membership renewal the following year. Read more | Career Opportunities